Monday, March 2, 2009

Making Friends

In the last two weeks I have had quite a few encounters with creepy crawlers. Needless to say, these encounters were unwanted. I almost stepped on a scorpion with my barefoot. While I do not condone the killing of animals, I did not have a problem with this one. In fact, I took great pleasure in killing the scorpion with my sandal and then proceeding to watch about a million ants eat him until all that remained was his skeletal frame. One small victory for mankind. I also came across a snake in the road and I was also accosted by a spider 3/4 the size of my hand. Actual size, I kid you not. How did it accost me? It jumped in my lap(twice!) when I was eating dinner with my family in their courtyard. Come to find out, this is no ordinary spider....,Ohhh nooo..that would be far too easy. This is a scorpion carry spider. Apparently, these spiders are so big that scorpions like to hop on their backs to catch a ride. The thought of this spider still makes me shudder.

1 comment:

Tasha said...

So i watched Indiana Jones last night, it reminded me of when I came to visit you in Atlanta. Anyway, Shia got stung by a scorpion in one of the scenes and Indy told him to only worry if they were small "the bigger, the better." Im not sure how much sway Indiana Jones has in reality, but if he does, avoid the tiny scorpions and go ahead and play with the enormous ones. In fact, go ahead and bring one home, I haven't seen one before. It might be fun for Charles to play with-actually in his case, bring home the smallest one you can find!